Paul Greveson

February Album Writing Month

This is a collection of all the music that I have been involved in creating as part of "Fort Elmfield", an online-only band that me and my friend Tristan put together to try and participate in the yearly FAWM challenge.

FAWM 2021

Notice the lack of 2020? Lots was going on our lives that year, so we didn't even manage to participate - we did try a few tracks but never finished anything. At least we managed to finish a couple of fairly short instrumental pieces in 2021.

FAWM 2015

Something must have happened in 2015 - 7th year FAWMing, and we only got two tracks done. For shame! Fortunately, I think "Forever" turned out to be one of the more memorable instrumentals so far.

FAWM 2014

The sixth year of FAWM was difficult for the Fort. We only managed three tracks, and although the quality was solid, it was our least productive February yet.